Nikki Nova was born January 5, 1972 in Hampton, Virginia. She has performed in a number of R rated films, including All Nude Nikki and several fetish videos.
As of 2005, Nova was a co-host of Playboy TV’s Night Calls 411, having replaced Tera Patrick in 2003. She has also appeared on The Howard Stern Show and the TV documentary Pornucopia.

On November 4, 2005, Nova was seriously injured after falling from a horse during a photo shoot. She had no health insurance, so her webmaster set up the web site to gather donations. Her porn star friend Austyn Moore also held a fundraising auction for her. Nikki’s friends and fans rallied together to support her. Her spirit persevered and she made a full recovery. Nikki went back to working full time and nothing has been able to steer her off course since. Her score on the sexy scale continues to sky rocket.

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